FNAE has developed a teaching environment for youth, enriched by experience.
Bookings schools, clubs and groups interested in a new exciting and dynamic introduction to Canadian Aviation.
Aviation Introduction
School Group programs available:
Learn what does it take to become a pilot
Introduction to Flight concepts
Hands-on learning by getting into a training aircraft
See other aircraft on the field

Learning Outcomes
Professional Pilot Michael Beachey will meet with students at school before to have introductions and share what will be leaning outcomes for the day.
Soar into the inspiring science of technology of flight
Learn about the Four Forces of Flight
Tour terminal and discuss the many careers in the aviation industry
Sit in an actual training aircraft and learn about licensing process

Bear Clan Power
Print Can Be Purchased Framed or Not
Her power rises from the lodge of purification.
Seven Laws of Prophecy, Seven levels of light.
Her circle forever expanding around her....
As her inner self-teachings emanate from within her lodge of power.
Doug Fox, Wiki 2008
In support of.
First Nations Aviation Education
Mike Beachey, Flt. Safety Officer, Pilot

Come Fly With Mike